Monday, February 28, 2011

First Launch

Today my group and I were able to make our first water bottle rocket launch. We were able to have a relatively successful launch in my opinion. Our rocket took flight with no problems during the initial launch and it even ended up landing in the back of a pickup truck. I filled our water bottle with a little less than quarter of a bottle full because I felt that if I put less water than was recommended our rocket might fly higher because it would have less mass. For some reason, we were booted off of our launch station and were only able to make one attempt at launching our rocket.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Rocket Bottle Parachute Design

This Resource is efficient because it shows you not just a clear rocket design but also an interesting design on a parachute. The design used is a side deployment technique. If you read on, they give you clear steps and instructions on how they built this mechanism and the materials needed in this procedure.

Rocket Bottle Design Website

This website is a good place to find a diagram of a water bottle rocket. Its good because it explains what makes the water bottle launch and it has a picture of a good rocket that has worked for them. Also all the parts are labeled and it tells you how high and fast this water bottle rocket model could potentially go.